Gorillas in Rwanda

There are 12 habituated gorilla families in Rwanda, found in Volcanoes National Park (VNP). The park is less than two hours from Kigali International Airport, and the road is in very good road condition. In the north-western part of Rwanda is Volcanoes National Park, which lies back a few miles from the border with the DRC’s Virunga National Park and Uganda’s Mgahinga Gorilla National Park. Together, these three parks form the Greater Virunga Conservation Area.
Compared to Uganda, trekking gorillas in Volcanoes National Park is generally a more relaxed experience, as the terrain is gentler and the forest is not as dense as in Uganda. Due to Rwanda’s Volcanoes National Park accessibility, the park has become a popular choice for those with limited time to see the country but with a bigger budget. In Rwanda, gorilla tracking permits and most accommodations are significantly more expensive than in Uganda. The tourism industry caters to a more luxurious tourist market.
Make sure to stay at least two nights in the area of Volcanoes National Park if you plan to visit it. The advantage of this is that you can spend one-night acclimatizing and another night recovering after the trek. Mountain gorilla trekking in Rwanda can take 30 minutes to 4 hours of hiking to see gorillas in their habitants, which are 2,500m and 4,000m above sea level. There are porters available to carry backpacks and cameras and offer assistance along the way. A one-day trek can be done by flying in and out, but we do not recommend it. The country has so much more to offer than one hour spent with the gorillas in the rainforest! Gorilla families in Rwanda include Susa, Igisha, Karisimbi, Sabyinyo, Amahoro, Agashya, Kwitonda, Umubano, Hirwa, Bwenge, Ugyenda and Muhoza.

Cost of gorilla trekking in rwanda

Booking a Rwanda gorilla permit in advance is the only way to guarantee a slot for gorilla trekking on a specific date. During peak seasons like June to September and December to March, gorilla permits can be hard to get. Currently, gorilla permits in Rwanda are going for $1500 per person – but this is only a part of the overall price of going on a gorilla trek in Rwanda. Local communities receive 10% of the revenue from permits to build schools, health centres, and roads. To ensure peaceful coexistence, a compensation fund is available to local farmers if gorillas damage their crops. Booking a permit through your tour operator or directly through the Rwanda Development Board is possible. The Rwanda Development Board requires the applicant’s passport details for the permit to be booked.

Best time to visit rwanda for gorilla trekking

Gorilla tracking is possible throughout the year in Rwanda. As the jungle tends to be less muddy and the paths less slippery during the dry season of June to September, this is the best time to visit. However, rain can fall at any time. During April and May, the weather is wet, making mud trails tricky, but you can still track gorillas during this time. It is common for the gorillas to climb higher up the mountain during the dry season and descend during the rainy season. Visiting during the rainy season (around March to May and October to November) is also one of the best times photographing gorillas. In the aftermath of a downpour, the air is clear of dust, resulting in the perfect atmosphere for taking photographs of gorillas.

other activities to do in volcanoes national park

The Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda and other parts of the country offer many activities besides gorilla trekking. As you travel through this country, you will notice that the landscape is characterized by various hills and mountains, making it a great hiking destination. Volcanoes National Park offers a variety of activities that can be combined with gorilla trekking, as seen below.

golden monkey trekking

Golden Monkeys are among the most endangered monkeys living in the Volcanoes National Park. Several beautiful primates live in the same areas as the mountain gorillas. Their diet consists mainly of bamboo shoots and insects, and they occasionally raid farms for potatoes. Golden monkeys can also be found in Uganda’s Mgahinga Gorilla National Park and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Tracking permits cost $100, and it should be noted that this trek can be challenging and muddy.

hiking the volcanoes

Wanting something challenging? Look no further than the Virunga Volcanoes. Two volcanoes are particularly popular: Bisoke and Karisimbi. Taking part in the Karisimbi Volcano Hiking takes two days and is a truly memorable experience. Hiking Mount Bisoke is a great way for visitors to get a chance to view the enormous crater lake at the summit of the mountain in only one day. The Virunga ranges, national parks, the Rwenzori Mountains, and three countries’ borders can be seen from both mountains. The hiking tour of Mount Bisoke and Karisimbi starts at 7:00 am with a briefing from the park office at the beginning of the hike.

bird watching

There are about 200 different species of birds recorded in Rwanda’s Volcanoes National Park making it a perfect destination for birding in Rwanda, which is one of the most important birding areas in the country. The area is home to 13 endemic species of plants. Rwenzori turacos and handsome francolins are two of the most sought after birds in the area. In addition to these species, there are other species found within the area, such as the archer’s ground robin, the collared apalis, the rouge-faced woodland warbler, the Rwenzori double collared sunbird as well as the strange weaver.

relax at lake kivu

Nestled in Central Africa, Lake Kivu is a breathtaking masterpiece with its curvaceous coastline, picturesque bays, and emerald islands. The iconic 1000 terraced hills of Rwanda frame the landscape, enhancing the lake’s natural beauty. Undoubtedly, Lake Kivu stands as one of the most enchanting lakes in Central Africa, where nature and culture converge in a mesmerizing display.

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