Volcanoes National Park

Volcanoes National Park, located in Rwanda, is a captivating destination known for its stunning landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and the opportunity to observe magnificent mountain gorillas in their natural habitat. This remarkable park, spanning an area of approximately 160 square kilometers (62 square miles), is a sanctuary for endangered species and offers a glimpse into the vibrant culture of Rwanda.
Volcanoes National Park is located in the northern part of Rwanda, and the surrounding communities are predominantly inhabited by the Banyarwanda people. These communities have a rich cultural heritage, and their traditions, dances, music, and craftsmanship reflect the country’s history and customs. Engaging with local communities allows you to learn about their way of life, visit traditional villages, witness cultural ceremonies, and even participate in activities like traditional weaving or drumming.
Volcanoes National Park is famous for being one of the last remaining habitats of the critically endangered mountain gorillas. Tracking these gentle giants is an unforgettable experience and a highlight of visiting the park.

 Alongside gorillas, the park is also home to other primates, such as golden monkeys, as well as a variety of bird species. The park’s diverse flora and fauna make it a biodiversity hotspot worth exploring.

Rwandan cuisine is diverse and delicious, featuring a blend of flavors from various ethnic groups. Staple foods include Ugali (a cornmeal porridge), Ibiharage (stewed beans), and Isombe (cassava leaves with spinach). Local restaurants and lodges near Volcanoes National Park offer the opportunity to savor these traditional dishes and other Rwandan specialties. It’s a chance to appreciate the authentic flavors of the country
Volcanoes National Park has implemented successful conservation initiatives, working hand-in-hand with local communities. The park contributes to the protection of endangered species and provides opportunities for sustainable tourism. Community-based projects, such as revenue-sharing programs and cultural tourism, ensure that local people benefit from conservation efforts, fostering a sense of pride and stewardship.

Activities to do at Volcanoes National Park

Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda is a remarkable destination known for its stunning mountain landscapes, rich biodiversity, and its role as a sanctuary for the endangered mountain gorillas. Here are some of the incredible activities to enjoy when visiting Volcanoes National Park:

The park is renowned for its mountain gorilla population. Gorilla trekking is the highlight of any visit. Trek through the lush forests and spend an awe-inspiring hour with a habituated gorilla family. Permits are required and need to be obtained in advance.

Volcanoes National Park is also home to the rare and playful golden monkeys. Tracking these delightful creatures is a unique experience. Permits are required and can be arranged through the Rwanda Development Board.

The park offers a variety of hiking and trekking options, allowing you to explore its stunning landscapes. Climb the Bisoke Volcano, Karisimbi Volcano, or the Visoke Crater for breathtaking views of the park and beyond.


 The park is a birdwatcher’s paradise with over 180 bird species. Keep an eye out for unique species like the Rwenzori turaco and the handsome francolin.

Explore the local culture with visits to nearby communities. Learn about the traditions and customs of the people living near the park and engage in cultural activities

Pay your respects at the tomb of Dian Fossey, a renowned primatologist who dedicated her life to studying and protecting the mountain gorillas. Her work is commemorated at this site.


The park is bordered by Ruhondo and Burera Twin Lakes. You can take a boat ride on one of these lakes and enjoy the scenic beauty while interacting with the local communities

Hike to Musambira Crater Lake, an extinct volcano, and take in the beautiful views of the surrounding countryside

 Participate in conservation activities like tree planting and community projects that contribute to the preservation of the park and its unique biodiversity

 Enjoy guided nature walks through the park’s diverse ecosystems, where you can observe various plant and animal species while learning about the park’s conservation efforts.

Drive through the park’s beautiful landscapes and take in the stunning views of the Virunga Volcanoes. The park offers fantastic opportunities for photography

Many lodges in the area provide relaxation and wellness services such as spa treatments and yoga sessions to unwind after a day of adventures

When visiting Volcanoes National Park, it’s essential to plan your activities in advance, obtain the necessary permits, and follow the guidelines provided by the park authorities to ensure the safety of the wildlife and the conservation of this remarkable natural habitat.

How To Get There

Volcanoes National Park is conveniently accessible from Rwanda’s capital city, Kigali. The most common route is by road, and the journey takes approximately 2-3 hours. Alternatively, travelers can take a domestic flight from Kigali to Ruhengeri, which is closer to the park entrance.

The Wildlife

Apart from gorillas and golden monkeys, Volcanoes National Park is home to various other species, including buffaloes, elephants, and numerous bird species. The park’s diverse ecosystems support a rich tapestry of life, making it an essential conservation area.

Safety Precautions

 If hiking the volcanoes, ensure you are adequately prepared with appropriate gear, including sturdy hiking boots, warm clothing, and sufficient water

Follow the Leave No Trace principles, such as not littering, staying on designated paths, and respecting the fragile ecosystem.


 Follow the guidelines set by park authorities during gorilla trekking, such as maintaining a safe distance from the gorillas, minimizing noise, and not eating or drinking near the primates.

 Consider vaccinations and health precautions before traveling to Rwanda. Consult with a healthcare professional for advice on necessary vaccinations and medications

Seasons To Visit The Volcanoes

 These are generally considered the best times to visit the park. The weather is drier, making trekking and hiking more comfortable. Clear skies also provide excellent visibility for capturing the stunning landscapes and wildlife through photography.


The wet seasons have their own charm and offer some unique opportunities:

Birthing Season:

March and April are known for baby gorillas being born, making it an excellent time to see young gorillas.

Lower Tourist Numbers:

The wet seasons generally have fewer tourists, so you can enjoy a more tranquil experience in the park.

Lush Greenery:

The landscape is at its most vibrant during these times, and it’s a great period for birdwatching and seeing golden monkeys.


Volcanoes National Park is home to various bird species, and birdwatching is rewarding throughout the year. However, bird activity is at its peak during the wet seasons when migratory species visit the region.


 Gorilla trekking can be done year-round, but the dry seasons mentioned above are often preferred due to more pleasant weather. Permits are required and should be booked well in advance, especially if you plan to visit during peak tourism months

 If your primary interest is hiking and trekking, the dry season is optimal as trails are less muddy and slippery. This is the perfect time for climbing the volcanoes like Bisoke and Karisimbi.



Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda offers a range of accommodation options to cater to different budgets and preferences. Here’s an overview of the types of lodgings and their approximate rate ranges:

  1. Kinigi Guesthouse:

 Located near the park headquarters, Kinigi Guesthouse offers basic and budget-friendly rooms. Rates are generally between $50 and $100 per night.

  1. Muhabura Hotel:

Muhabura Hotel provides simple but comfortable rooms, making it an affordable choice for travelers. Rates usually range from $60 to $120 per night.

  1. Sabyinyo Silverback Lodge:

 Sabyinyo Silverback Lodge is a luxury option that provides elegant cottages with breathtaking views. Rates for these high-end accommodations can range from $600 to $1,000 or more per night.

  1. Virunga Lodge:

 Virunga Lodge is an exclusive and upscale lodge with stunning surroundings. Rates for a luxurious stay typically start at $1,000 per night and can go higher.


  1. Le Bambou Gorilla Lodge:

 Le Bambou Gorilla Lodge offers mid-range comfort with cozy rooms and a relaxing atmosphere. Rates typically range from $150 to $250 per night.

  1. Mountain Gorilla View Lodge:

 Nestled in the foothills of the volcanoes, this lodge offers well-appointed rooms and spectacular views. Mid-range rates usually fall between $250 and $400 per night.

Please note that these are approximate rate ranges, and actual rates may vary based on factors such as room type, seasonal fluctuations, and special packages. It’s essential to check with the specific lodge or hotel for the most up-to-date rates and availability.

Many accommodations in the region offer packages that may include meals, guided activities, and, in the case of gorilla trekking, permits. When considering your budget, keep in mind that visiting Volcanoes National Park often includes additional costs for activities like gorilla and golden monkey tracking, which require permits that should be booked in advance.

The choice of accommodations in Volcanoes National Park allows visitors to tailor their experience to their preferences and budget, ensuring a comfortable and memorable stay in this extraordinary part of Rwanda.


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